Sunday, February 26, 2006

Stare out - David Vs Emma

David "The Human Blowtorch" Stevenson takes on Emma "MG Rover" Simmonds in a Stare-Out to the Death for the Pot Noodle Cup.

As always, do NOT try what Dai does towards the end of the clip, you may throw up if you do.

It's Sweet and Sour if you must know...

Saturday, February 25, 2006

Defragging Your PC The Vasquez Way

What does an axe, a flatmate, a laptop and about 5 minutes give you? A sudden need to watch this clip.

Warning - Do not try what you see in the clip. You may get hurt.

Welcome to Big Chocolate Clips

Hi, hello, howdy, welcome. How are the kids doing? Triffic.

Anyway, welcome to an archive of video clips that we hope to add to at random times featuring random things we (Malcolm(Me) and Dai(Him)) do.

Do not repeat most of what you see, because you may be harmed.